Our Teen Sunday School is attended by youth from sixth to twelfth grade levels. This is not a typical Sunday school class. Each lesson is done individually where we go deep into the scriptures to study the word of God. We stress how the Bible is the inerrant word of God, and is alive and relevant today to all aspects of a teen’s life.
Our youth fellowship meets on Sunday evenings from 6-8 PM. It’s a safe place where our teens can enjoy Christian fellowship and talk about their daily experiences. Our teaching points try to stress the relevance of the Bible today; that it is just as relevant now as it has always been. God’s word His promises never change. We try to show how teens can apply the Biblical principals to their daily lives.
We also have speakers that come in to address life happenings, such as how to handle finances, how to look for the right college or trade, basic life skills. These speakers also share their testimonies.
The principal we stress the most to our teens, is the need for a daily, right, personal relationship with our Lord, Jesus Christ.
For more information about our Youth Fellowship, contact the church office at mbcseekonk@gmail.com
or call 508-761-5142.